Current Events

Kingston Potters’ Guild –  May 28  – 29 – 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

In this weekend Mould-making Workshop with potter, public installation artist and retired OCAD University professor, Angelo di Petta, participants will learn about mould-making and its uses as a creative studio practice that will take your clay work into a new, inspiring direction. Participants will learn how to make and use press and simple molds and how to incorporate colourants, slip trailing and design techniques into the mold and casting process.

The workshop will begin with learning to make a simple mold for casting slip and each participant will have a finished mold made on Saturday. On Sunday, Angelo di Petta will lead participants through the exploration and use of his own moulds which he will bring to the workshop and which may be used for both press moulding and slip casting. Mould-making and slip casting are  very valuable additions to pottery studio practice and this workshop will expand the production and artistic horizons of your work.

For more details and to sign up, visit the Kingston Potters’ Guild website.

Past Events

400 Test Tiles – August 22 – 31, 2020

Craft Ontario
1106 Queen St. West
Toronto, ON, Canada
M6J 1H9
T 416-921-1721

400 Test Tiles

I’m happy to announce my upcoming show entitled “400 Test Tiles” taking place at Craft Ontario from August 22 – 31st.

Regretfully, there is no opening event due to COVID-19.  Currently, they plan to be open 2:00 – 6:00pm daily. However, there is the possibility for people to book appointments before 2:00pm.  This may change by August. Please check back and we will update as we know more details.

Printed Ceramic Surfaces – July 15 – 19, 2019

This week long workshop explores printing methods appropriate for clay surfaces.  Learn, experiment and apply; mono prints, transfer techiques, sceen making and printing, lithography, decals and a variety of other techniques which can be used to embellish ceramic suraces at all firing temperatures.

Cost: $500 (all materials included)
Contact: Angelo di Petta for any further information or call 705-932-3558

Angelo di Petta's Printed Ceramic Surfaces Workshop


March 19, 2015 – April 11, 2015

Jonathon Bancroft-Snell Gallery in London, ON

“Slip & Inject Revisited”

Coming from Design At Riverside in Cambridge, Ontario.
Plus additions of work spanning from 1995 to the present.

Youtube Video of Dec. 7th Artist Talk